The Basis Of How A Tire And Rubber Pyrolysis Plant Works

When you have an abundance of rubber tires at a facility, instead of letting them go to waste, they can be converted into energy producing products. In particular, charcoal can be used to create heat for stoves, or even barbecues, and this can be mass-produced with a tire and rubber pyrolysis plant. These are produced by several companies around the world. There are certain areas where charcoal is a very high demand. To convert simple organic waste into charcoal can be done with what is called a pyrolysis plant(

Planta de Pirolisis
Planta de Pirolisis

What Is A Pyrolysis Plant?

A pyrolysis plant is a large facility which has one central focus. This is the pyrolysis reactor. There are likely conveyor belts that will bring the material to the reactor. Subsequent to that, once the process is done, the by products will be conveyed to storage facilities. Two types of products are made in terms of consistency. There are both solid and liquid by products. This would include charcoal as the solid product, and you would be able to create bio oil and biofuel as well.

How The Pyrolysis Plant Functions

These are able to function in a couple different ways. First of all, you can use them to convert sawdust, residue from harvesting crops, and even liquid sludge into charcoal. Pyrolysis is a process by which the material placed into the system will be converted very rapidly into charcoal and liquid fuel. The larger the plan, the more that you can produce(planta de pirolisis en mexico).

How Does This Work?

The material is placed into a reactor where the amount of heat inside of the chamber will increase. They will remove oxygen so any type of combustion will not occur. If you do this, you will be able to create thousands of tons of this material. You will be easy to create a lot of charcoal if you have enough of the base material. This is where tires and rubber products come in. By chipping up the tires, and any rubber that you have into smaller components, these can be placed in the pyrolysis reactor for processing. Once it is done, you will have plenty of charcoal to use.

How To Get A Pyrolysis Plant

Getting one of these pyrolysis plants is as simple as finding a company that produces them regularly. There are businesses that have created many of them, of all different sizes, and have marketed them around the world. If you have not found one before, you should consider accessing one of these systems today. You can place your order, and have it delivered, and begin processing all of the rubber-based products that you have at your facility(beston pyrolysis).


The company that you choose should have a worldwide reputation for producing these types of materials. You may not realize how easy this is to do. Soon you will have more charcoal than you can handle doing nothing more than working with a pyrolysis plant and rubber that you already have available. Instead of paying for the disposal of the rubber, you can easily convert it into energy producing products. That’s exactly what the pyrolysis process will do for the rubber that you have access to right now: