All You Need To Know About Maximizing The Performance Of Your Concrete Boom Pump

When completing a construction project, there are various types of considerations to be made. One of the most important of these considerations is the type of construction equipment to be purchased or hired. To determine which piece of equipment is the best option, you should always look at the project requirements, especially when acquiring a concrete mixing pump.

The purpose of a diesel concrete mixer pump is to transfer liquid concrete from one area to another. Larger concrete mixing pumps are able to pump large amounts of this liquid to the surface area; however, they are less accessible than smaller trailer mounted options. Of course, the large mixer, also known as a concrete boom pump, can be beneficial if utilized correctly. This article will provide information regarding how to utilize and maximize the performance of your concrete boom pump.

trailer concrete pump

1. The Type Of Concrete Used

The easiest method to maximizing a concrete mixer performance is by selecting the correct type of concrete. When concrete is pushed through the concrete mixer pump it is separated from the pump line walls by a thin layer of water. This water acts as a lubricant and ensures that the concrete liquid remains fluid until it reaches the final resting place. By utilizing a concrete mixer that has a strong layer of water in the pipeline, you can ensure a more effective mixing and pouring of the concrete liquid. Furthermore, this type of application will reduce pumping related difficulties.

2. The Truck Position

Truck positioning plays a pivotal role in the effectiveness of the pump’s performance. One of the greatest considerations when looking at a concrete boom pump’s positioning is the aspect of safety. While an operative mixer pump can be effective, the improper positioning can easily cause serious injury or death.  Trailer concrete pump is also very popular. An injury or detrimental accident can cause additional injury costs and may delay the project by a prolonged period of time.

3. The Power Lines

One of the most overlooked aspects to concrete pump utilization is the position of power lines. Research has indicated that approximately half of all site injuries occur due to improperly placed power lines. The folding, crossing, or moving of these lines can increase the chance of electrocution and equipment explosion on the site. To overcome this difficulty you should utilize the services of a full-time spotter. The spotter will identify any detrimental power line placement and reduce onsite accidents. Sometimes, small concrete pumps for sale is enough.

4. Regular Maintenance

Potentially the most effective means of maximizing a concrete pump’s performance is through regular maintenance. By frequently reviewing wear and tear of the pump, the company and individual (if the equipment is purchased) can replace items within the pump before they are damaged. Maintenance can also minimize downtime of the pump and reduces overall costs. Fortunately, the majority of item damages are noticeable which makes wear and tear easy to identify.

Final Words On The Matter

As can be seen, locating the ideal concrete pump and maximizing the performance is a challenging task. By using the information above you can easily locate the best pump for your needs. Make sure you find reliable concrete pump manufacturers to insist you.